Bøger til socialister
Camilla Royle:
A Rebel's Guide to Engels
Friedrich Engels was born in 1820 into a wealty family in Barmen in
what is now Germany. Engels lived through a time of extraordinary
change throughout Europe
Engels could speak nine languages and would later be described as
the most widely educated man of his day. Engels was a scholar and an
activist. He took part in revolutionary struggles and in 1849 he was
involved in an armed uprising. He was exiled and spent much of his
life in Britain
Engels and Marx together wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848.
After Marx's death, Engels edited volumes two and three of Marx's
Capital. His own work covers the condition for working class people
in his adopted home of Manchester, the history of peasant struggles,
philosophy, women's oppression, science, evolution and anthropology.
This book argues that they continue to provide tools to make sense
of and to change the world we live in today
Udgivet første gang: 2020
Introduktion til socialisme
Den socialistiske tradition
Karl Marx og Fr. Engels